The Cleverest Conspiracy Of All


We live in an age of conspiracies and rumours of conspiracies.  Even those who mock and deny their existence feel the need to talk about them in a disparaging manner.  Governments, corporations and intelligence services all thrive on their production, implementation and cover-up.  Educated populations, now mostly freed from the threats of eternal damnation, loosened with ever increasing leisure, and armoured as never before with access to information, demand ever more sophisticated cover-ups and plausible denials delivered with assurance and aplomb.  Children with considerably more than spare change, we now require sophistry on the level of myth, complete with the the panoply of dramatis personae we have come to expect down through the storytelling ages.

Some ancient battle between darkness and light, truth and deception, seems to be continuously reenacted on the world stage.  It is a drama of operatic dimensions that could easily grow a religion or two about it.  Who will save us from the lying demagogues of democracy, the chorus asks.  Who shall deliver us from the seductive pit of propaganda?  The answer is perhaps obvious: us.  Us and only us.  We the people, who are so much more than concerned citizens, but who have forgotten their divine origins and are dwarfed by those who would manipulate our ignorance into endless dependence.  We need not wait for all the Pinocchios to grow long noses.

All the political shenanigans, all the crafted assassinations, all the bombings with their stage managed radicals, all the wars over natural resources spin doctored into evil dragon slaying, all the drugs so carefully designed, all the spiritual wickedness in high places, it’s merely the play of Maya, illusions prancing their hour upon the stage.  It need not detain us, although it can and does, our fascination with baubles and blood being what it is.  But for those of us on our way to graduation, a not insignificant number I might add, the cleverest conspiracy of all is that of the Higher Self.

The Higher Self conspires, unfortunately with our full cooperation, to denude us of all cosmic consciousness, so that our delivery onto the physical plane through the medium of our mother’s womb is accomplished with such a narrowing of the psyche that the phrase blank slate is the most accurate for our tiny embodiment of life.  So although we are emanations from a virtually omniscient Monad (group soul, Higher Self), by the time we descend through the planes to arrive here almost emptied of our previous divinity, and proceed, through many trials and tribulations, to recover our heritage shorn of the illusions of ego and society, we are essentially starting out once again from the basement of consciousness to explore not only the house above but the many mansions which it magically contains.

And we essay these explorations as dim witted but boisterous children, eager for adventure but easily cowed by frights and cuts.  As personalities we grow with our family and society imposed definitions, all of which are useful within the parameters laid out before us, becoming independent and educated adults.  But as spirits in the material world these definitions become ties which keep us in bondage, too timid to explore the unknown and unseen.  And when, out of frustration or giddiness, we do reach out a seeking beam, they remind us to doubt and distrust, to return to the basement where being rendered stupid with safety is the community standard.

In our ignorance as state sanctioned citizens with rights and responsibilities we often remain, assured that we are contributing in an accountable and civilized manner.  But as citizens thus defined we remain ignorant of our greater selves, our original share of divinity, and we quietly assume our tiny spots in history, the subject of forces beyond our control, when in fact we have picked a life path of challenges suited to our needs, and only appear to be buffeted by the fates of disease, lousy weather and political repression.  Whether we have chosen wisely or been rushed by the prospect of thrills is another matter, but the metaphysical fact is that we have picked and are partaking.

But our ego based illusions about our limited and isolated selves conspire to keep us in our place, while attributes such as gravity and debt assure us we have made the smart choice.  Inside our separated selves, our much valued individuality, we look to sources of power outside us.  Whether natural, as in earthquakes or floods, or man made, such as banking or government, we feel dominated, threatened, conspired against, that there is a hidden order which executes plans in the shadows, regardless of our requirements or well being.  There are hidden orders conspiring contemptuously in the shadows, but they operate at the level of ego and ego gratification, and as such, live in even more illusion than yourself, the seeker and would-be disciple of the mysteries.

The cleverest and most cunning conspiracy of them all is the one you delude yourself with, that we all delude ourselves with: that no matter what your station in life, your race or gender, your degree of freedom or repression, you are in essence an unbounded being of light, a conscious contributing emblem of divinity, who is only pretending to be daft and lost and limited.

Thought Forms And Fear

From time to time I am asked about the possible actuality of ‘dire predictions’, …of war, environmental collapse, of political upheaval.  Whether in public or private forums I usually poo-poo them and not because I am a sceptical curmudgeon dedicated to some kind of know-it-all denialism. It’s for two reasons specifically, one of which is the observation of historical trends and the other an understanding of thought forms, how they are created and kept alive.

     I’ve been hearing dire predictions on one theme or another for at least fifty years and very few of them actually manifest in any real and sustained manner.  Somehow or other they get their start and with the help of gossip, irresponsible headlines and stupid simplifications of complex issues.  Some are ancient in origin: apocalyptic, end-of-the-world scenarios have been shuttling about for centuries, gaining and losing favour as various sections of the population glom onto them, depending on the need of the moment and inchoate fears finding some kind of temporary form.  Was there a flood or a drought?  How went the harvest of crops and fish?  How ill is the king?  Are our enemies planning an attack?  Which disease seems unconquerable?  The streets are alive with spies and seditions.  What cunning scam is being perpetrated by the aristocratic elite?  Demons lurk in every shadow, ready to pounce.

     Much of this sounds like peasant level ignorance and superstition, something we feel we have graduated from through education and the diversity of cultural influences shaping our perceptions and giving us a myriad of points of view to choose from.  Now, of course, we have so many points of view, from mainstream media to independent voices, citizen journalists and the like, it can be overwhelming to make any kind of a decision, if in fact a decision is needed.  Sometimes wallowing in the carnival can be more amusing and satisfying for now we can be clowns carving our own slice without the old fears of tribal or ecclesiastical retribution.

     The actuality and persistence of thought forms is, for me, the other half of the equation.  We all create them with our desires, fears and fantasies.  How much energy and portability they retain is determined how much oomph is put into them in the first place.  The desires of daydreams come and go like puffy little clouds on a breezy day.  Likewise with the fears and doubts of the nervous and timid.  Sexual fantasies can be quite powerful if they are brought on by obsessive behaviour.  They can carry over to the ‘objects of desire’ and be felt quite keenly, stimulating or shocking as the recipient deals with them.

     If they are produced and projected consciously they become telepathic messages and are often returned by those who are friends on a similar vibration as the originator.  If they are products of fear and anxiety and given regular boosts by the mainstream media whose profits depend on fanning the flames even when there is little or no smoke, they can become quite powerful and roam what some call the imaginal realm, attaching themselves to those who, usually unconsciously, are in tune with their vibration.  Like earthbound spirits, trapped by ignorance, fear, and that host of lower emotions like envy, rage and vengeance, they stay low to the ground where populations linger, unconsciously receptive.

     Thus I hear from concerned folk who have envisioned war, environmental collapse and any number of apocalyptic scenarios, either in meditation or lucid-looking dreams, and ask to hear my take.  They are, in fact, picking up on floating thought forms, birthed by personal and societal fears and given a temporary yet vivid reality, a reality that is often reinforced by other unconscious believers.  The movements and actions in these war scenarios can seem initially very real but if examined by standing back and coolly observing, if that is at all possible, can seem more artificial and robotic, windup figures slowly fatiguing.

     Unfortunately, psychics and other practitioners who have not done all their inner work and lack the deep experience necessary can easily mistake these thought forms for something more than a probable future.  They have usually developed some of the necessary sensitivity but not with the accompanying discernment to tell the wood from the trees.  This situation is more common than many would suppose and deserves our attention.  Prediction and prophecy have traditionally suffered from this fate, and I don’t see a significant depletion in its occurrence.  Many still rush to any form of reassurance, even if it is no more than a bundle of bad news.  Unfortunately the closest thought forms are those which package such bad news.  It takes focus and determination to go beyond their level.

     Would-be psychics and the rest of us developing along those lines must learn to distinguish between the thought forms traversing the lower astral, which are as limiting and beset by an ignorance of the bigger picture, as are the self-obsessed inhabitants of the region.  We must gravitate to the visions of paradise and the knowing of immortality and eternity which transcends the misty regions of limitation and negativity below.  The sun is always above the clouds and that’s where we should be too.

    Meanwhile hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, droughts and floods continue their destructive activities, often equaling wars in their victim counts.  They ply their trade regardless of our prophecies and predictions, and always have.  The devas and elementals that are their operating staff speak of balancing conflicting energies and other environmental necessities.  They speak of being helplessly caught up in the intense energies of the operation and the cosmic harmony of destruction and fresh creation.  When I hear their message I see the pawns of the great mystery wisdom not the creators of it, if indeed there are such.

     Nature continues to be our harshest and most unrelenting teacher regardless of our arrogant and guilt ridden claims, derived mainly from the holy book’s insistence that we were given dominion over all.  A mistranslation, a misconception, a politically motivated fraud?  Whatever, we were not, we were dropped from a great height into the deep end to see how we might manage as angels with feet of clay.